
Welcome to New Covenant

New Covenant Church is a fellowship of Christian believers in Auburn Hills, MI. Conveniently located south of Dutton Rd at 4217 N. Squirrel Rd, we warmly welcome all who desire to draw closer to God. Teaching and preaching are from a decidedly confessionally Reformed Baptist perspective.
Our mission is to offer guidance and encouragement through the teachings of Jesus Christ. Join us as we together step closer to God’s grace.

Wed. Night Bible Study

Wednesday @ 7pm

Prayer Group Meeting

Thursday @ 7pm

Youth & Teens

Kids: 2nd & 4th Wednesday @ 7pm
Teens: 3rd Friday.

Men’s & Women’s Bible Study

Men: 1st & 3rd Saturday
Women: 2nd & 4th Saturday
 For locations, details, and additional ministries of our church, please see:

New Covenant Church’s Ministries


 Sunday Morning Worship


Worship with New Covenant Church

Join us every Lord’s Day at 11am to worship in truth and spirit, as we delve into the Scriptures and proclaim the sovereignty of God. For those unable to attend in person, you are invited to partake of God’s word with us through our livestream services on Facebook or by accessing the most recent services at your convenience on our YouTube channel. This ensures no matter where you are, you can be strengthened and edified by the preaching of God’s unchanging truths.

Monthly Family Worship

On the final Sunday of each month, we are especially pleased to offer a family-integrated service. Though nursery provision is available, we carefully prepare our sermons to be edifying for all ages, allowing the entire family to be instructed and uplifted by the solid foundation of Scripture.

It is our earnest commitment to uphold the authority and sufficiency of Scripture in a manner that is reverent and accessible, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of God’s word among all who attend, from the youngest to the oldest.


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About New Covenant


Our History

We appreciate your interest in exploring the journey and ethos of New Covenant Church and our community. Nestled in Auburn Hills, MI, New Covenant Church was established in 2007 with a mission to embody and share the love of Christ. As you navigate through our website and experience our worship service, we hope you’ll be inspired to engage actively with our ever-evolving faith community.

What We Do

New Covenant Church is a harbor of numerous ministries designed to cater to individuals across all ages and life stages. If you seek to deepen your bond with Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior, you’ll find a welcoming space here. We invite you to join us as we live out the Great Commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

Our Purpose

The purpose of New Covenant Church is clearly expressed through the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, as preserved in Scripture. The Great Commandment charges us with a profound love for God:
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37-38 ESV)
In conjunction with this, we are instructed to love others with sincere devotion:
And a second is like it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39 ESV)
The Great Commission provides us with a directive for our mission:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20 ESV)
At New Covenant Church, these commandments are the foundation of our faith and practice. Our love for God is central, giving shape to our love for our neighbors and guiding our efforts to disciple all nations.

Our Mission

New Covenant Church is dedicated to honoring God and fostering a genuine commitment to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. It is through this commitment that we live out the full expression of loving our neighbors, manifesting Christ’s love in our community and our lives.

Get In Touch with New Covenant Church




New Covenant Church
4217 N. Squirrel Rd.
Auburn Hills, MI 48326

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Directions to New Covenant Church

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New Covenant Church Schedules and Calendar

This is our regular schedule of events. Please note, specific instances of an activity may be subject to change.  Please see our Facebook page, Calendar, or, when necessary, contact us to confirm.
For locations and times not listed, see Our Ministries for additional details.

Weekly Schedule of Worship and Fellowship



09:45 am — Bible Study — Classrooms — All Ages
11:00 am — Sunday Worship — Sanctuary & Facebook Live (Nursery Provided)
  Once Per QuarterThe Lord’s Supper 
After service — 1st Sunday — Potluck — Fellowship Hall


7:00 pm — Bible Study – Fellowship Hall
7:00 pm 2nd & 4th Wed Covenant Kids — Parsonage (Up the hill from parking lot)


7:00 pm — Prayer Meeting — Online — Contact Jay Radar


3rd Fridays — Frontline Youth Group — Location TBD each Month — Reach out to Melody or Jerome Cooper for details


9am — 1st & 3rd Saturdays — Men’s Bible Study — Location Varies
9am — 2nd & 4th Saturdays — Women’s Bible Study — Location Varies

Outreach Schedule


Food Pantry

2nd Wednesday of Every Month

Annual Schedule


Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday before Easter

Annual Rummage Sale


Harvest Festival

Saturday before Halloween

Christmas & New Years’ Day

On years when worship falls on either day, Sunday Worship is held as normal.

New Covenant Church’s Live Calendar

This calendar is updated regularly with locations and schedules
Contact Jonathan Smith before or after service to receive weekly announcements


Essential Beliefs of New Covenant Church


Nature of God

  • The Triune God: There is one God, eternally existing in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – each possessing all the attributes of deity.
  • God’s Sovereignty: God will bring His salvation to His people and be glorified in the events of His Church. He exists above all creation and orchestrates history to fulfill His plan for the universe.

Scripture and Authority

  • The Bible: The sole basis for our belief is the Bible, which is uniquely God-inspired, without error, and the final authority on all matters on which it bears.

Salvation and Grace

  • The Fall and Redemption: God created humans to glorify and have fellowship with Him, but they defied God by sinfully going their own way. As a result, we need God’s saving grace to end our alienation from God. Salvation comes only through God’s grace – not human effort – and must be received personally by repentance and faith in and commitment to Jesus Christ.
  • Proclamation of the Gospel: God determines who will be saved and when, so we don’t try to argue anyone into the Kingdom, although we do try to present the gospel to everyone who will listen.
  • The Work of Christ: Jesus Christ, the second Person of the Trinity, lived a sinless life on earth and voluntarily paid for sin by dying on the cross as our substitute. This accomplished salvation for all who receive grace by trusting in Christ.
  • God’s Election: Man is by nature sinful and helpless to save himself. Before the foundation of the world, God chose to bring salvation to individuals not because of any foreseen acts by humans, but just because of His great love. Unless God draws people to Himself through Jesus Christ, no one will be saved.
  • The Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit draws sinners to Christ and equips believers for personal growth and service to God. The Holy Spirit was sent as a comforter, to bestow spiritual gifts on the Church, to seal each believer in God’s salvation, and to empower the Church in order that it may fulfill the Great Commission.

Church and The End of Times

  • The Church’s Mission: The Church’s role is to glorify God and serve those in need.
  • Sacred Ordinances: The Bible gives the church two ordinances, which shall be observed until the Lord returns: baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
  • The Second Coming: Jesus Christ will return to earth to judge the righteous and the unrighteous.
  • The Final Judgment: At the end of time, everyone will experience bodily resurrection and judgment. Only believers in Christ Jesus will enjoy eternal fellowship with God. Those who have rejected the Lord will spend eternity in hell.
